Workspace Wellbeing Comprehensive
60 min consultation for team members with complex needs or work-related injury.
This option caters for employers who require specific advice and recommendations to assist in the management of an injured worker, those with special needs or team members who have reported symptoms that may be related to their workspace.
Suitable for both office-based and remote workers, this option is a more detailed assessment aimed at assessing the individual’s workspace and workstation, in the context of their reported symptoms, relevant medical history, physical demands of their work tasks and functional capacity.
In circumstances where an online consultation is not the most appropriate intervention, we also offer our Comprehensive Workspace Wellbeing Consultation, in-person.
1. Provide us with your team’s contact details (email and phone).
2. We’ll send your team a link to a Pre-Assessment Questionnaire.
3. When the questionnaire is submitted, your team will be directed to our online booking portal to schedule their consultation.
4. An occupational health consultant will then connect with each of your team individually, via video call.
Workspace Wellbeing Comprehensive is a 60 minute, individual online consultation.
During the consultation we:
• Talk to your team to develop to a thorough understanding of their work tasks, relevant medical history and any reported issues that may be related to the workspace.
• Review the worker’s WHS self-assessment checklist.
• Use the camera on your team members’ mobile device to assess the workspace and identify potential WHS risks.
• Advise your team to make real-time adjustments to their workspace to help maximise comfort and safety, using the equipment already available.
• Share helpful tips and advice to help your team take care of their physical and mental wellbeing while at work.
Your team’s workspaces will be set up as ergonomically as possible to meet their individual needs, in real-time. They’ll be more comfortable and productive and you’ll avoid spending money on ergonomic equipment, if it isn’t necessary.
Your team member will also gain access to AHO’s latest ergonomic and wellbeing resources for their future reference.
Employers receive a detailed summary report with specific recommendations regarding the individual’s workspace, workstation equipment and work practices, in the context of their reported injury, symptoms or special needs. You’ll also receive your team member’s completed WHS self-assessment checklist.
If we identify that a team member may benefit from further assistance, we’re happy to provide you with further advice and recommendations to find the best solution.
Depending on the size of your team, you may also elect to receive an optional executive summary, outlining commonly occurring issues across your team and statistical insights for you to consider.